See our feature story in baristamagazine.com
Check out our feature story in baristamagazine.com
Check out our feature story in baristamagazine.com
Robert G. Ingersoll once said: “ In nature there are no rewards nor punishments. There are only consequences ”. Precise Brew is dedicated to this reasoning, always keeping in mind nature’s consequential chain, where every action has its own impact, every contribution marks its footprint. The Age of the Holocene: What can I do? The term Holocene r ...
Precise Brew is suitable for all types of commercial and specialty coffee. In addition to its clear ecological benefits, it delivers an excellent cup. A unique advantage of our filter is its innovative geometric design , which optimizes fluid mechanics, making it adaptable to a wide range of devices and sizes. This ensures that cost-effectiveness an ...
World of Coffee 2024 is almost here & look forward to seeing you again at booth CF-004! PRECISE BREW® Advanced Coffee Filtration will participate in the “world of coffee” in COPENHAGEN 27- 29 June 2024 at Bella Center Copenhagen. ...
Program: 11:00 to 12:45 – FILTERS WORKSHOP Talk about filters and their impact on coffee with Lambert from @Sibarist and Fotis and Sofia from @PreciseBrew CLICK HERE IF YOU’RE IN! Register to our Belco equipment event by filling the form BEFORE WEDNESDAY 20TH Book your train/flight and accomodation We would love to discover your coffee, please brin ...
PRECISE BREW® Advanced Coffee Filtration will participate in the most popular coffee Exhibition “world of coffee” in Athens 22rd – 24th June 2023 Metropolitan Expo. Look forward to seeing you again at booth 2-K34 ! ...
The range of products we introduced aims to improve every aspect of coffee extraction with a reliable micrometric filter and reduce the carbon footprint of disposable filters, which come from trees. The list of filters is constantly being enriched and soon more filters will be available. In addition, we aim to contribute by using our reusable filters ...
PRECISE BREW® Advanced Coffee Filtration will participate in the most popular coffee Exhibition “world of coffee” n Milan 23rd – 25th June 2022 Mico Milano Convention Centre Look forward to seeing you! ...
We participated for the 4th year in the great coffee celebration for professionals & coffeelovers! We received a lot of interest in the innovation we presented at our stand, the PRECISE BREW reusable filter. ...